Sunday, June 9, 2013

Last blog post - CHECK OUT THE NEW VAULT!

I have two announcements folks.... first off... THIS IS THE LAST POST I WILL BE MAKING ON THIS BLOG! All the current stuff (press releases, dvd news, etc.) will remain here indefinitely, but it is most likely that I will not be adding anything new from this point on. For all intensive purposes.... The Vault Blog is DEAD.

Also dead? The 100% written from scratch HTML version of The B-Movie Film Vault! It has now been replaced with an easy to update blog that will contain posts from here, as well as the archives of The Old Vault. This drastic change has been a long time coming, and I finally made the decision to enter the modern age! (After much coaxing from a friend of mine who's a fan of the site!)

And since the Vault was turning 13 (on June 6th!), I said to myself "There's no time like the present" and unveiled THE B-MOVIE FILM VAULT V2.0 several days ago. It's largely unfinished and will be a "work in progress" for the next few months, but I'm working feverishly to get old (and new) content archived there.

Parting is such sweet sorrow, but I must bid all of ye adieu. But this isn't goodbye, it's more like "Hey, I'm posting all of the same stuff you enjoy reading over at my main site now." Thanks to everyone that's followed me here on Blogger, and thanks to everyone that's continued to visit and support the Vault for the past thirteen years! It's been a heck of a ride so far, but I have a feeling that the best stuff is yet to come!

Come on over to the new and improved Vault at and take a gander, won't you?

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