Sunday, December 31, 2006

New issue of Rogue Cinema is imminent....

The new issue of Rogue Cinema (January 2007 WOO!) will be online around 2 AM Eastern tomorrow morning. It's looking like a good issue and I look forward to seeing what my fellow Rogues have written! Once the new issue is online, I'll post about it here. Just thought I'd throw a teaser out there to ya before the issue became available. ;-)

I'm getting ready for my last night at the video store. Working two jobs is a pain so I'm calling my beloved part-time job quits. Besides, I don't enjoy it nearly as much as I used to and I don't want to work on any holidays. (Having payed holidays definitely spoiled me. ;-) In other news, I'm officially caught up on my bills for this month (though the next volley is already arriving), so hopefully 2007 will be a profitable year for yours truly. I hope to actually have a bit of a nest egg to fall back on for any reason and I plan on paying off at least one of my loans. Call it a New Year's resolution if you will. (My true New Year's resolution is to stop being such a lazy fat-ass! LOL!)

Well I've gotta run, blog ya later folks!
See you next year! (Man aren't you sick of hearing that?!)

Thursday, December 28, 2006


I finally got my copy of Joon-ho Bong's "The Host" in the mail today and I've just watched it and well... DAMN WAS IT GOOD! All the critical acclaim is well deserved for this multi-genre film. "The Host" follows the exploits of a dysfunctional family that bands together to rescue their youngest member from the clutches of a ravenous, giant, mutant tadpole/amphibian/reptile monster (brought to life by some pretty impressive CGI) that is allegedly a HOST for a deadly virus. The monster gets a pretty good chunk of screen time, but isn't really the focus of the story. The film mainly focuses on the interaction of the family members in their quest, how they deal with their losses, and their constant run-ins with misguided health, police, and military officials. I refuse to give much more away about this fantastic film, but rest assured that I will write reviews for it at both Rogue Cinema AND The B-Movie Film Vault! Yes folks, this movie is so damned good that I'm going to write about it twice! It truly deserves it! Oh yeah, you may be wondering where I got this movie? Well I grabbed one off E-Bay from a seller in China. The disc was Region 0 and contains a beautiful, clean, widescreen transfer of the film, 5.1 Dolby Surround Sound, extremely good English subtitles, and a gorgeous slipcover that goes over the DVD case! Definitely worth the money and the wait! For those that don't want to buy it, you can see "The Host" in theaters on March 9th ... I think. I'll let you know for sure once I remember! That's all for tonight b-movie fans! Catch ya on the flipside!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas... the Aftermath.

Hey all! I'm back from my girlfriend's house and boy did I get a ton of stuff... mainly clothes, but I'm at the point where I welcome a ton of clothes to wear with enthusiasm. However, that doesn't mean that I didn't get some cool stuff as well. Here's the treasure trove of DVDs that I got as a gifts and/or purchased with Christmas money and Best Buy gift cards:

Spirited Killer (Thai action/comedy/thriller with brief appearance by Tony Jaa)
Mikadroid: Robokill Beneath Disco Club Layla
The White Gorilla / Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla
The Hidden / The Hidden 2
The Mummy Collector's Set (Contains: The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, and The Scorpion King.)
The Descent (Original Unrated Cut - Widescreen with Bonus disc!)
Strange Brew
Sound of Horror
Super Inframan Special Edition
Jackie Chan's First Strike / Mr. Nice Guy
Rumble in the Bronx / The Corruptor
and Ultraman: Series One Volume 2!

Not a bad haul eh?
To make my day even better I discovered that my long-awaited DVD of "THE HOST" is now at my local post office (no one was home to sign for it) so I'm picking that up tomorrow afternoon before work. Sadly, Day of the Animals didn't get shipped because it's on Backstock. Knowing how this could be a bad thing, I asked for a refund, and then purchased the DVD from Deep Discount DVD! So maybe I'll get lucky and I'll be able to see this long lost "classic" from my childhood within a few weeks.

Well hope you all had an awesome Christmas, got some great gifts, and spent some time with your loved ones. As for me, it's back to the grindstone this week as I head back to work AND get some stuff finished for Rogue Cinema and the Vault. I'm hoping to get the Vault updated before the New Year, but it may not happen. We'll all just have to hope for the best. ;-)

Happy New Year's b-movie fans! I'll catch you on the flipside!

Sunday, December 24, 2006


That's right, I said it! MERRY CHRISTMAS! Take that you politically correct bitches! No more Happy Holidays from yours truly! I'm taking back Christmas! LOL! Anyways, yes 'tis that special time of year again and thankfully it is almost over! Between presents and bills, I've rendered myself broke, but I have no regrets (only that I didn't have MORE money to get MORE gifts for MORE people). So before I disappear for several days, I just want to wish you all a great Christmas. I hope you all enjoy the time with your family and loved ones, and get some kick ass gifts too!

So enjoy your time off from work (if you have time off that is) and I'll see ya'll in either another week, or sometime early next year. I still have a lot of stuff to do for RC and my site, but for the time being, it'll all have to wait. Again, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year b-movie guys and gals!

Oh yeah, that picture? Don't know what the f*ck that thing is, but it's creepy and cool and it's terrorizing a small child. Nothing says MERRY CHRISTMAS like a mutant Santa were-bunny!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A bunch o' stuff to tell ya!

Well let's see here... where should I begin....

Ok, so Monday I had my little Christmas get-together and we all had a great time! We (myself, Tara, and a group of my closest friends) had freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, coffee, milk, hot cocoa, tons of soda, ice cream, 5 boxes of Pizza Hut pizza, plus we all exchanged gifts. Here's what I got: A new 128 MB graphics card for my computer (sadly it was not compatible, but would've been a huge upgrade for my current machine), Max Brooks' new book, "WORLD WAR Z," Issue #1 of "Darkman vs. Army of Darkness," the completed Godzilla 1985 graphic novel, the latest issue of G-Fan Magazine (beautiful artwork on the front and back!!!), several Best Buy gift-cards, "The Wizard" on DVD (well... not yet, but its on the way), and an awesome "Dawn of the Dead" (1978) calendar. (Next December features an awesome shot of an exploding head!!!) My friends are all taken care of, I just gotta get a gift or two for my mother and pick up a few gifts for Tara and I'M DONE!

In movie collecting news: I've gotten "Garuda" and "Negadon: Monster from Mars" in the mail and watched them both. "Garuda" blows donkey dick (but it does have a handful of cool moments) and "Negadon" was fantastic! I also received "Island Claws" on VHS and watched it twice. (The first time I fell asleep, mainly because I spent an hour fixing the tape once it did arrive. F*cking VHS!) I'm still expecting my copies of "The Host" and "Day of the Animals" very soon. Also, I got a few screeners in the mail over the past few days for reviewing purposes including: "Dark Remains," "The Red Skulls," and "Spacemen & Go Go Girls Double Feature!" (The latter two come from Tempe DVD.)

In site news: I've gotten things started for my next two reviews. I'm planning on getting my Dino-Western Double Feature of "Beast of Hollow Mountain" and "Valley of Gwangi" up by the 28th, so we'll see how I fare with that.

Rogue Cinema update: I still have to get my article(s) written plus write some reviews. Thus far I have one screener reviewed with six or so to go. The bad news about this is that the remainder of this month's screener stack is made up of mostly feature-length films. NOOOO! ;-) So I best knock a few of those off my list before Christmas Eve.

Well I guess that's it. I'm gonna try and get the B-Movie Film Vault DVD Shop updated ASAP since I didn't get around to it the past two nights!
Blog ya later foos! :-D

Sunday, December 17, 2006

A quick update on me.

Hey folks. I've been very busy the last few days. Tomorrow/today is my first day off in two weeks and I'm having a group of friends over for a lil' get-together to eat mucho amounts of food, watch some Christmas flicks, and exchange a few gifts. So that means that I need to get my arse into bed ASAP! But before I do, here's what's going on with the Vault and RC:

In RC News - Nothing more to report yet. Got a review and my interview done. Still have four (maybe more) screeners to wade through, plus I have an article or two in mind. This stuff MUST get done this week before X-mas hits!

In Vault News - The Forums are still pretty dead, but Shadow, myself, and our fan Andrew are keeping a variety of discussions going. If you're bored, sign up or just post something as a guest, PLEASE! In other news, I've added a few flicks to my collection and updated my B-Movie Collection Page, plus I've added some news about the epcoming "Resident Evil: Extinction" to my main pages in the B-Movie News and Rumors section. I've gotten things set up for my DINO WESTERN DOUBLE FEATURE and aim to have reviews for "The Beast of Hollow Mountain" (1956) and "Valley of Gwangi" (1969) uploaded by December 28th. My anticipated review for "Santa vs. the Snowman" has been canceled indefinitely. I'll hang on to that one until Christmas rolls around again I suppose.

Well that's about it folks! Finish up your holiday shopping ASAP if you still have some gifts to pick up and have a wonderful Christmas in case I don't blog again anytime soon. (Highly unlikely!)

Blog ya'll later!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Finally getting around to posting a picture from our First Anniversary celebration. Nope, that's not Santa in the hat!

Holiday Notes and All

Happy Hanukkah, Blessed Yule, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all (and to all a good night!)

Beads N Botanicals will be offering its new class schedule for the upcoming year, hopefully BEFORE the end of the year.

More and more folks are expressing an interest in meditation for dealing with stress, pain and insomnia. Almost all of our Wednesday night classes include at least a short meditation, with the Meditation for Relaxation classes being, of course, much longer meditations.

Wednesday Night Classes do not require pre-registration, cost $5.00 and start at 7 p.m. Please note, however, that it is best to arrive about 15 minutes BEFORE the start of class, to make sure you are not locked out. Once we are about to start, the doors are locked to avoid disturbing the rest of the class.

Hope to see you here in the New Year. The next Wednesday Class will be January 10, 2007, on The Seven Chakras: What the “wheels of light” represent

More on jewelry making and herbal classes as we finalize the schedule.

Ways to Become More Satisfied and Happier

This is a great article on the psychology of satisfaction.

This article discusses how we are happy, how to bring greater happiness into our lives and experience more positive feelings.

At this time of year, rather than saying "Bah, Humbug," check out what they have to say.

A Psychology of Satisfaction

Thursday, December 14, 2006

More RC Stuff completed Hooray!

Not only is my interview with S. Michael Phillips pretty much done, but I've completed a review for "Glacier Bay," an indie film that has truly moved me. It made me laugh and even jerked a few drops of water from my desert-like tear ducts. This is one movie that you should check out if you have the chance. To learn more about it, visit the Open the Gate Pictures website!

In other news, I'm busy as f*ckin' hell this week. In my off time from work (i.e. the few hours I have before I go to work and the few hours I'm awake after work) this week, I've gotta finish up some Christmas shopping, write some more stuff for Rogue Cinema, try and get a few things updated at the Vault, plus I'm having a group of friends over for a little Christmas party. Despite all the things going on, I actually feel pretty good, mainly because I'm getting stuff accomplished rather than wallowing in laziness.

In any case, I gotta get some sleep, my schedule tomorrow is pretty much booked:
8:30-ish AM - Wake up and eat breakfast.
9:00 - 9:30 AM - Shower and get dressed, leave to meet up with my buddy Chris.
10:00-ish AM - Pick up Chris and drive to Johnson City, NY to Christmas Shop and get a bite to eat.
1 - 2 PM - Estimated return time to Hallstead, PA.
2 - 10:30 - WORK! Blah!
11:00 PM - In my PJs, sitting in front of the comp and working on something. Maybe I'll try and watch "Garuda" again without falling asleep. (Hard to do since the movie drags mercilessly in the first half. Hopefully it gets good once the giant man-bird escapes from its underground prison and starts trashing cities!)

Well time to get some sleep! Blog ya'll later!

Becoming an Optimist...Can You Change Your Personality?

This is a great article on changing your outlook and improving your life.

Rather than saying, nothing will change, read this and allow for the possibilities!

Can You Change Your Personality?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

RC Material has officially been started!

Just shipped off my interview questions to S. Michael Phillips, the director of "Hippes." (Read my review HERE!) I sort of e-mailed him the questions out of the blue (it's been at least a month, maybe two, since I last spoke with him), so hopefully he'll be game and that'll be one less thing to worry about toward the end of the month. I still have four screeners to look at and review as well as my January 2007 Genre Watch (plus a bonus 2007 theatrical preview!) plus I'm toying with the notion of writing up an article about either GAMERA or DAIMAJIN! (Decisions, decisions!) Well that's it for me, I'm beat and have another fun day of work ahead of me tomorrow. Blog ya later b-movie fans!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Vault DVD Shop Updated! See ya on Tuesday!

Hey folks, I've just updated the B-Movie Film Vault DVD Shop! CLICK HERE to see what's available on Tuesday and CLICK HERE to check out the rest of the cult DVD releases for the rest of December! I'll be working tomorrow morning at the video store, then driving to Scranton afterwards to spend quality time with the girlfriend and to do a teeny bit o' Christmas shopping. So hang tough until I get home on Tuesday guys and gals and keep fighting the good fight for b-movie lovers everywhere until my return! ;-)

Oh yeah, before I forget, here's a little update on what I'll be working on over the next few weeks. I'm going to be working on my stuff for the January issue of Rogue Cinema during what little "off-time" I have this coming week. (So far I only have four screeners to review and I plan on having one or two articles and interviews ready for the next issue if all goes well.) If I manage to get most or all of it done, then I'm going to leap right into my next two reviews for the Vault ("The Beast of Hollow Mountain" and "The Valley of Gwangi.") ASAP! Also keep an eye out for updated older reviews that may be popping up unannounced at the site!

Well time to get some sleep! Blog ya later cult movie fans!

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" freakin rules! I've just completed watching the film for the third time and I still can't get over the amazing CGI effects (at this rate, in another decade or so, they may just perfect the technology)! Though many people (critics and casual viewers alike) have complained that the film packs "too much" into its running time, I for one am more than satsified with the final product. Along with the great cast (mmmm.... Keira Knightley is SO YUMMY lookin'!) of likeable characters, awesome music, and amazing effects, the film also delivers one of the most frustrating finales ever! If you've seen the movie you know exactly what I'm talking about! I can't wait to see "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End." Last I (think I) heard, the film was due out for a May or June 2007 theatrcial release! Yeehaw! I can't wait to see me more sea monsters, pirates, and Keira Knightley! (::drool::) If you decide that you need to buy this film, don't hesitate to get it at the Vault's DVD Shop!

Saturday, December 9, 2006

New review up at at the Vault!

My review for "The Monster Squad" is now online! You can read it HERE! This is one of my longest reviews yet and the movie definitely deserves it because it's been a favorite of mine for nearly two decades! In other news, I've just ordered two copies of Gwoemul (a.k.a. The Host) and they are on their way! HOORAY! This Korean monster film is getting praise by critics the world over and I'm very much looking forward to it. Region 0 (legit, Hong Kong) DVDs are available all over eBay! (Just in case you were wondering, yes one of those "Host" DVDs is mine, the other is a Christmas gift for a close, personal, kaiju-loving friend!)

Well gotta get to work! Later everyone!

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Fatigue conquers all.

I did another large chunk of work on my review for "The Monster Squad." It should be up by tomorrow because there's not too much left to go. (Normally I'd stick it out and finish things up, but I'm so damned tired!) I'm nearly done with the PLOT section and then I just have to fill up the EXTRAS section with some recommended viewing and cool trivia about the film. This is definitely one of my largest reviews to date, but that's just fine because I LOVE THE MONSTER SQUAD! Anyway, time for bed! Keep an eye on the Vault tomorrow night to catch the new review!

Just a little bit more to go....

I don't have much left to do on my review for "The Monster Squad" folks. Tonight I'm going to finish up the PLOT, FILM REVIEW, and EXTRAS sections and get this sucker uploaded! After this, I plan on fixing up a few more older reviews and getting those uploaded, then it's time to unleash my Dino-Western Double Feature upon an unsuspecting populace! MWAHAHAHAHA! This Vault mini-event will feature reviews for "The Beast of Hollow Mountain" and "Valley of Gwangi," the two best known dinosaur/westerns ever made. (Actually, were any more films in this odd sub-genre ever made?)

Also, here's a little tidbit of info concerning a possible new section at the Vault: A Reader/Guest Reviews section! Andrew, a member of my (IT CAME FROM THE VAULT) Forums popped the question last night and will be sending in a few reviews for me to take a look at. If they're any good, I'll put them up at the Vault and the Reader/Guest Reviews section will be born.

Well it's time for me to go to work. (Blah...)
Catch ya later!

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

The Monster Squad (1987) - Review coming soon at the Vault!

Just a little update concerning my next update for the B-Movie Film Vault. I'm about 60% done with my review for "The Monster Squad," one of the greatest, hippest, and most beloved teen-oriented monster films of the 80s! I freakin' love this movie and I really wish it would get a decent (and legit) DVD release. Anyway, stay tuned folks. I'll let ya'll know when the review is uploaded!

In the meantime, won't you please visit the IT CAME FROM THE VAULT forums and take part in any of the various cult movie discussions that myself and three other hardcore b-movie fans are engaging in?

Catch ya later!

Monday, December 4, 2006

New cult DVD releases this week....

Hey there b-movie fans! The B-Movie Film Vault DVD Shop has just been updated with this week's current DVD releases. Here's some of the stuff you can look forward to buying for yourself (or others as the holiday season is fast approaching):

Alien Nation / Enemy Mine (Double Feature)
Beyond Dream's Door
Black Christmas (Special Edition)
Bleak Future
Bloodletting, The
Blood-Stained Bride, The
Cheezy Exploitation Trailers
Cheezy Fantasy Trailers
Cheezy Horror Trailers Volumes 1 and 2
Cheezy Sci-Fi Trailers Volumes 1 and 2
Cocoon / Coccon : The Return (Double Feature)
Demons Triple Feature
Dinosaur Valley Girls (Mammoth Edition)
Fearless Avenger, The
Hellsing Ultimate: Volume 1
Mad Cowgirl (Special Edition)
Micronauts: Revolution
Naruto Uncut Boxed Set: Volume 2
Night of Bloody Horror
Night of the Ghoul
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (Single Disc and 2-Disc Collector's Edition)
Planet of the Apes / Quest for Fire (Double Feature)
Pulse (Unrated Widescreen Edition)
The Quick and the Undead
Red Planet Mars
Silent Scream
Solar Attack
The Terminator: Hunters and Killers

So hop on over to my lil' Amazon DVD shop and buy some flicks! Every purchase helps this poor cult movie critic out! ;-) If you don't see anything you like this week (which I highly doubt), then check out these Upcoming Cult DVD Releases!

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Update concerning the IT CAME FROM THE VAULT Forums!

After a half-hour of reading through various faqs and tweaking a few things here and there, I've finally gotten my forums set up so that ANYONE can post, wether you are a member of the forum, or just a Guest! Hopefully this will get the forums to more action as they've been very quiet thus far! Anyway, now that anyone can join in on the fun, please visit the IT CAME FROM THE VAULT FORUMS today!

Also, a little more site news, G-Fan Central (my pretty much defunct Godzilla site) will also be making the move over to my new server. The new address for G-Fan Central is: Nothing is done on that particular site just yet, but I'm sure I'll manage to build it up quickly once the Vault is all finished up!

Well gotta get to work, tonight's shift at the video store promises to be a quiet one methinks.
Blog ya later b-movie fans!

New review showing up soon at Rogue Cinema!

I turned in a late review for the December issue of Rogue Cinema tonight for an indie double feature I received in the mail a short while ago. Keep an eye out for the review for "Night of the Vampires" and "Bad Review!" (Both films were made by those cool mofos over at Ramsteer Films!)


Saturday, December 2, 2006

Hot Mulled Cider and Other Winter Warming Drinks

In my Fall/Winter newsletter, I included a simple recipe for hot, mulled, that is, spiced, apple cider.

One local Hoopestonite almost refused to take the newsletter, after stopping in my shop because she wasn't sure if it weren't "witchcraft." I told her, read it and make up your mind.

She came back later that afternoon to ask me some herbal questions.

Now, the following link is about hot alcoholic drinks with spices. Personally, I find hot apple cider WITHOUT rum to be quite nice.

BTW, we do sell mulling spices.

Hot Holiday Drinks

Minor updates at the Vault.

I've changed things up for the month of December on the main pages of the Vault. Now there's fewer dead links, some new b-movie news ("The Host" hits theaters in March! YAY!), and a new MOVIE OF THE MONTH! (1983's "The Deadly Spawn"). Last but not least, I uploaded my retooled review for The Alligator People (1957)! There's more stuff on the way, so keep visiting the Vault!

Friday, December 1, 2006

First Snow of Winter on December 1st

Winter has shown its face here in Central Illinois. Last night lots of wind and rain blew through our area and continued into the morning, with temperatures dropping enough for us to get a small amount of snow, not even enough to cover the lawns as of 11 a.m.

Made me glad I had taken advantage of Fall's last hurrah on the weekend. Got my daffodils in the ground and some other needed work done around the house.

Now that we will probably be indoors for the duration, it is a good time to think about ways to promote health while trying to keep warm.

Especially if you have a well insulated house, it's important to make sure there is enough fresh air coming in. Check furnaces, water heaters, vent pipes, to make sure everything is working properly. Installing a carbon monoxide moniter could literally be a lifesaver.

I find diffusing "Clear Air," a blend of several essential oils, including eucalyptus, oregano and lemon, to not only freshen the indoor air, but help as a preventative for catching and transmitting colds, flu and other air bourne illnesses.

While you're trying to keep warm, remember, you don't have to blast the heat. It's cozy to curl up on a couch or in a chair with a throw blanket around you, a cup of hot tea and a good book.

December 2006 Issue of Rogue Cinema is online!

The new issue of RC is online with five interviews, nine articles, and twenty-five movie reviews to browse through! Here are my contributions to this issue:

Interview with Kipp "Poe" Speicher

Rogue Cinema Genre Watch - December 2006

Review: Anamnesis (2006)

Review: Dark Wind Woods & My Dying Bride (2006)

Review: Night of the Vampires & Bad Review (2003)

Review: Purgatory (2006)

Plus there are two more reviews on their way. (They're gonna be a day or two late.) So head on over to and check out all our new stuff today! Yeehaw!
Now I can get some sleep!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Class Schedule Changes at Beads N Botanicals

Quick update. Tonight's Wednesday class will cover the 22 Major Arcana cards, NOT the four suites. (Had to cancel it as originally scheduled because of our TV appearance EARLY the next morning on Nov. 16)

Remember, please show up at least ten minutes before the start of Wednesday night classes to avoid getting locked out. Although you do not have to pre-register for Wednesday night classes, we do lock the door and will not open it once I've started the introductory meditation.

Also, instead of Wire Wrapping Pendants, this Thursday will be a Basic Stringing: Necklaces class. Wire Wrapping Pendants is moved to next week, on Thursday, Dec. 7, at 7 p.m.

Using the Mind to Cure the Body

Okay, talk about timing. I only saw this article on MSN the yesterday AFTER I had written my little bit about meditation and pain. Coincidence? Or synchronicity? I'd say the later.

Using the Mind to Cure the Body

IT CAME FROM THE VAULT..... discussion forums!

Hey there folks! It's me again, up late, feeling lousy and still typing like crazy! I have two announcements to make regarding the Vault:

1. I started a discussion forum on the site! If you're interested, then click on this here link to the IT CAME FROM THE VAULT FORUMS! Sign up and start posting today!

2. There are now five more active reviews on in the Vault archives (woohoo! Only 115 more reviews to clean up and upload!) Here's what you CAN currently read:

Review: Arena (1989)
Review: The Dungeonmaster
Review: Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Cove
Review: Infra-Man
Review: The Johnsons

That's all I got for you right now. Time for this workhorse to get some sleep. I'll need it because I have to finish up all my RC stuff tomorrow and ship it in. Looks like several indie film makers are gonna be disappointed again.... sorry guys! For an update on my Rogue Cinema material... just visit the blog either tomorrow or Thursday night!


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

More stuff for you to check out!

Hey all, I've been a busy bee again. I've gotten all the main pages uploaded and tweaked to my liking over at the B-Movie Film Vault. All I have to do now is put in the reviews, and I plan on slowly fixing them up and uploading them a few at a time. Tonight, I upgraded my old review for Alien Predators, which is currently the only active review on the site. LOL! So enjoy it! ;-)

In other Vault news, I've changed up things a bit over at the B-Movie Film Vault DVD Shop! This weeks new releases are ready to be browsed through, but don't forget to check out the Upcoming New Releases that come out next month. They can all be pre-ordered today and just in time for the holiday season! :-D

Well that's about it folks! I'm going to bed. I have some manual labor to do before I go to work tomorrow afternoon. :-P Thanks for visiting the Blog! I'll catch ya later!

Monday, November 27, 2006

More progress made on the new Vault!

I'm just about ready to retire my sore hands and fingers for the night, but I thought I'd drop any of you blog-readers an update on the new B-Movie Film Vault. I've gotten the entrance page, the frames and no-frames main pages, the coming attractions page, the b-movie reviews page, my articles page (and archives), and the Rogue Reviewer roundtables pages all uploaded and ready. I just have another 6 main pages to finish up, then it's on to the 121 reviews in my site's archives. (Blah.....) So if you run into any dead links, don't worry, they'll be fixed within the next two weeks. Since my site is sort of on hiatus due to the heavy construction, head on over to Shadow's B-Movie Graveyard to read Shadow's new review for Grizzly. (One of my favorite "Nature Strikes Back" films! Buy it in the "Nature Strikes Back" section of my Cult DVD Shop!)

That's it for now. I'll probably get some more work done on the Vault tomorrow night, but for the next two - three days I'll be focusing most of my energy on completing stuff for Rogue Cinema. In the meantime, hang tight and drop me a line at to let me know what you think of the Vault so far and just to give me a little encouragement. ;-)

Blog ya later b-movie fans!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Meditation, Not Just for Relaxation, But Also Pain Relief

Today I was reminded of why I started offering my “Meditation for Relaxation” classes.

A customer popped in to say hello and reiterate that she appreciated the meditations we do at our Wednesday night classes. For her, they were a reminder of how to chill out without drugs or alcohol. Meditating, along with seeing a chiropractor, using certain herbs externally, and developing a better outlook on life, has allowed her to stop taking prescription pain medications.

What’s wonderful is that these changes have made a difference in how she feels about herself. She feels terrific. It’s not that she doesn’t experience pain, but she has the coping mechanisms to deal with it without resorting to overusing pain meds.

Other folks have discovered that meditation gives them a quiet space away from the stresses of work and family. While it is nice to have a guided meditation at the shop, they have remembered how it felt, and meditate on their own at home.

Customers report to me they are sleeping better at night, feeling calmer and more relaxed after our meditations on Wednesday nights.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

News, News and More News

It’s been nothing but exciting times for us at Beads N Botanicals these last couple of weeks.

As you already know, the News Gazette in Lafayette, IN ran a little blurb about our shop’s anniversary that was this past Saturday. Then the Commercial News in Danville, IL also ran a bit in their business section.

On top of that, our local weekly paper, The Chronicle, ran a story about our anniversary celebration.

But probably the “big” news was our appearance on the ABC affiliate station, Channel 15, out of Champaign, IL.

Justin and I appeared on the Sunrise This Morning show, on Thursday, November 16, EARLY in the morning. We talked about the upcoming anniversary celebration at the shop. Justin did a little origami demonstration. The folks were real nice at the station (although I think the Thanksgiving turkey tips got a bit more air time than us!).

Thank you to the local friends who taped the show for us.

Today a photographer from the Commercial News took some pictures and I talked with Dana about our shop. The story should appear in this Saturday’s paper.

Thank goodness we have off tomorrow for Thanksgiving. It’s been a whirlwind adventure here in Hoopeston.

Friday, November 10, 2006

The News Gazette in Lafayette, IN, which is about an hour away from us, posted a little blurb about Beads N Botanicals' first anniversary celebration on Saturday, November 18.

News Gazette Blurb about Beads N Botanicals’ Anniversary

Saturday, November 4, 2006

Basic Wire Working: Earrings

I've had a few people ask me, why do you consider making earrings to be a "basic" wire working class?

The answer is simple, you bend and twist wire to make dangle earrings!

This class is a great intro to some simple, but very important wire working techniques. It is an opportunity to get your feet wet, so to speak, without a major investment in materials (all classes INCLUDE materials in the fee).

Once you learn the simple wire working techniques for making earrings, you can apply them to making pendants for necklaces, or simple beaded bracelets.

Not only do you learn wire working, you also walk away with TWO pairs of earrings, perfect for yourself, or as gifts for family and friends.

Plus, making earrings is fun.

Friday, November 3, 2006

Can a Simple Herbal Oil Actually Banish Pain????

In my experience, the answer is yes. About six weeks ago, I was moving a LOT of wall paper from one storage site to another. The minor backache I had turned into MAJOR sciatica.

Now, it is probably no surprise to anyone who knows me that I tend to stay away from OTC (over-the-counter) drugs, never mind any other kinds! So, for me to take ibuprofen, even three times in three weeks is a lot.

Well, I decided to use some of my Extra Strength PLUS Banish Pain Oil on my back, my left hip and my left calve, all areas in pain. I discovered that, when I used this oil, within about 15 minutes, the pain subsided.

Gradually, with stretching, being a bit careful and having the oil sooth the inflammation, I was pain-free.

Clients and customers who deal with chronic pain, such as knee problems, arthritic knuckles, carpal tunnel and other repetive stress injuries have reported noticing relief within about 10 minutes of using the oil on the affected area.

If you are interested in possibly ordering some of this oil to try for yourself, you can go to our webstore at Extra Strength Banish Pain Oil

BTW. I am making NO medical claims whatsoever for these products (regular, extra strength and extra strength PLUS) and am only relating my experience and that of local folks who have also used them.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

"Scents able" Marketing

This is a National Public Radio, Marketplace report.

Basically, this radio report (the link takes you to the transcript and you can listen to it also) details advertising/marketing's use of scent to draw in consumers and keep them looking at products longer, so they will be most likely to buy them.

Hey, I've been doing that one for years! You know, burning incense at festivals. Anyone who stops in my shop notices the scent, usually favorably.

And, real estate people have known for years that the smell of fresh baked bread, or a cinnamon simmering potpourri makes a house more attractive (on an unconscious level) to potential buyers.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Beads N Botanicals One Year Anniversary

Hey, it's hard to believe, but Beads N Botanicals will be a year old in less than a month!

We'll be hosting a First Year Anniversary Holiday Gifts & Open House on Saturday, November 18, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mulled cider, special discounts and craft demonstrations will be featured.

Stop by, get a spicy apple cider drink and hang out. Bring your beading crafts to show off.

Beads N Botanicals First Anniversary

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Holiday Gift Making

Sometimes it can be tough to determine what, if anything, to give to those on your holiday gift list. Either your intended recipients have EVERYTHING, or you just want to avoid giving them the same old thing.

Making gifts gives you the opportunity to tailor a unique gift for EVERYONE on your holiday gift list. And this Fall Beads N Botanicals is offering several great classes to help you do just that.

Basic Wire Working: How to Make Earrings:
This is a great starter class! You’ll learn the basic techniques involved in creating earrings with head pins, eye pins and ear wires. You’ll make two pairs of earrings, one with a dangle. A few other earring styles will be demonstrated as well. $20, 1 hour, materials included.
October 12, 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday
November 9, 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday

Advanced Wire Working: Wire Wrapping Pendants:
Do you have a stone that would make a wonderful pendant? Techniques for caging tumbled and rough rocks in cages of wire will be taught. Hands-on. Wire and stones will be provided. Bring a special piece if, you want. $22, 1 ½ hours, materials included. (Taking Basic Wire Working: How to Make Earrings and/or Intermediate Wire Working is suggested as a prerequisite.)
November 30, 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Thursday

Basic Stringing: Bracelet Design:
Want to learn how to put together a bracelet, but not sure how to begin? Or, how to end it? In this class you’ll learn how to work with specialty beading threads, what a crimp bead is, and how to use it, jump rings, and clasps to finish off your bracelet. $15, 1 hour, materials included.
October 19, 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday

Basic Stringing: Necklace Design:
Want to learn how to put together a necklace, but not sure how to begin? Or, how to end it? In this class you’ll learn how to work with specialty beading threads, what a crimp bead is, and how to use it, jump rings, and clasps to finish off your necklace. Learn about the differences between choker and other-sized necklaces. $18, 1 hour, materials included.
November 2, 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Thursday

Bath Salts and Body Scrubs
How to make lovely scented bath salts and body scrubs. Great for treating yourself, family and friends. $10, includes materials. 1 hour
November 7, 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday

Making Dream Pillows
How to make pillows to send sweet dreams to family and friends. This class discusses herbs traditionally used to induce sleep and also demonstrates how simple (or elaborate) a dream pillow can be. Perfect stocking stuffers!
December 13, 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Wednesday

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Practical Aromatherapy Course: Certification Weekend In Virginia Beach

Come and learn about aromatherapy in Virginia Beach, Va
on November 24, 25 & 26, 2006
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day.

Cost: $450 per person.
Discount of $50 for students paid in full by October 20.

Location: South Independence Blvd.,
Virginia Beach, VA 23542
Wise Weeds Botanicals Studies:
Practical Aromatherapy Course:
Using Essential Oils for Healing:

Medicinal herbalist, perfumer, and Wise Weeds Botanicals' proprietress Catherine Novak designed this course in response to numerous inquiries from individuals who wanted to learn more about the healing properties of essential oils and how to use them. The course material was developed over more than 10 years as a part of Catherine's own learning, teaching and writing experiences.

See below for a complete course outline
and instructions on how to sign up for the class

The Practical Aromatherapy Course enables students to gain both skill and knowledge about essential oils. The empowering coursework develops students' own appreciation for the healing qualities of essential oils, as well as educates them about appropriate resource materials and safety issues.

A basic test at the end of each lesson helps students review and reinforce the knowledge they have gained. Wise Weeds will issue a certificate of satisfactory completion of the course to students who complete each test satisfactorily, and who also complete and submit the final exam.
A book report and special research project are also required.

100 class hours credited for full completion of this course, including submission of lesson tests, final exam, copies of each sampling of essential oils, book report and research project.

Pre-register before November 7, 2006, by mailing your $225 deposit, or $450 total fee, with your name, address and phone number to:

Beads N Botanicals
227 S. Market St.
Hoopeston, IL 60942
Make your check or money order out to Beads N Botanicals. A $35 fee will be charged to any checks with insufficient funds.

You can also pre-register via credit card by calling 217-283-6380.
Paypal payments can go to

This course exceeds the published National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy's requirements for a Level One course (as set in 2003)

Lesson 1: The Use of Fragrance throughout Time

Lesson 2: Modern Research on the Effects Of Scents

Lesson 3: Processes of Extraction from Plants

Lesson 4: What Are Essential Oils?

Lesson 5: How Do Essential Oils Work?

Lesson 6: Ways To Use Essential Oils

Lesson 7: Nothing is Standard about Essential Oils

Lesson 8: Using Essential Oils Safely: Part I Of II

Lesson 9: Using Essential Oils Safely: Part II Of II

Lesson 10: Blending Essential Oils

Lesson 11: Using Carrier Oils

Lesson 12: Using Essential Oils During Pregnancy

Lesson 13: Buying EO Doesn't Have to Be a Game of Chance

Lesson 14: Aromatherapeutic First Aid

Lesson 15: Review and Wrap Up

Sunday, August 13, 2006

One Tribe:The UK's Occult Talk Show

What is One Tribe? A great site to hear some incredible interviews and music.

It's the UK's Occult Talk Show - hosted by Marc Power and Dirk Bruere, showcasing extraordinary people with extraordinary ideas on a weekly radio talk show: OneTribe on London's ResonanceFM, 104.4 on the FM dial, simultaneous Internet Broadcast and archive podcast of shows available as .mp3 files.

Go here for more information and to listen to past shows"

Monday, August 7, 2006

Missed Everyone At Sirius Rising and Starwood

Gosh, this is the first time in almost a dozen years that my son and I have not been on the festival circuit. In addition to smaller events, we had always looked forward to vending at Sirius Rising and Starwood, both events held at Brushwood in Sherman, N.Y.

Business considerations precluded our going this year. Wonderfully, a long-term friend and customer volunteered to post contact info so anyone looking for us could find us. After speaking with her this weekend, I found we really were missed. And I can say, without reservations, we missed seeing you all!

If you haven't already discovered, we now have a storefront in Hoopeston, IL. Not the most "happening" place in the world, however, if you come out and visit us, it will become much more fun. Hint. Hint.

We've already had visitors whom we've known for a few years from festival. It brought back a lot of memories to sit and blend custom oils. Fortunately, our store does NOT have a muddy floor of worn grass!!! Yep, dealing with varied weather conditions is one thing I don't miss.

Lots of folks have been asking if we'll be back at Brushwood next year. The answer is, I'm not sure. It's all going to depend on where we need to be at the time, although I'd love to present workshops on herbalism and aromatherapy again at both events.

Ironically enough, I'm now not only teaching herbal, aromatherapy and jewelry making classes, but also classes on meditation, developing intuition, and other topics (as you can see from our class listings below). There's been a small, but growing demand in this area for an environment that is clean, safe, and welcoming for these types of classes, and I decided, after a lot of consideration, to meet that demand.

We're still making Romp in the Woods (TM) incense, oils, soaps and bath salts. And, while they're not up on our website yet, we still have the Luscious Lips and Slick.... soaps. ;*) So, if you can't make it out to see us in person, at least stop by our website!
Botanicals from Wise Weeds

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Beading & Jewelry Making Classes: August & September 2006

Beads N Botanicals, 227 S. Market St., Hoopeston, IL 60942

Beading & Jewelry Making Workshops

Basic Wire Working: How to Make Earrings:. $20, 1 hour, materials included.
August 10, 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday September 7, 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday

Advanced Wire Working: Wire Wrapping Pendants: $22, 1 ½ hours, materials included.
August 24, 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Thursday September 21, 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Thursday

Basic Stringing: Bracelet Design: $15, 1 hour, materials included. (Six person limit)
August 3, 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday

Basic Stringing: Necklace Design:. $18, 1 hour, materials included. (Six person limit)
September 14, 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Thursday

Intro to Bead Netting Techniques: $22, 1½ to 2 hours
September 28, 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Thursday

Mushroom and Fungi Workshops in West Virginia

Heard about this and thought you might like to look into it.

Buddy has a pretty extensive background in mycology and looks like he knows his stuff (and is also not afraid to say when he doesn't know something.;*)

Plus, there are other cool workshops at this campground, as well
Appalachian Wildflowers and Fungi -- Identification and Medicinal Properties:
Saturday, Aug. 12
Session I: Foraging for Wild Mushrooms (Buddy Kilpatrick)Saturday, Aug. 12
Session II: Natural History of Wildflowers (Lonnie Murray)Saturday Nature WalkSunday, Aug. 13
Session III: Wildflower Identification and Conservation (Lonnie Murray)Sunday, Aug. 13 Session IV: Medicinal Mushrooms (Buddy Kilpatrick)
Sunday Nature Walk

Cathy, Wise Weeds
Botanicals from Wise Weeds

Classes on Meditation, Intuition, Crystals, Astrology, Tarot and More

Wednesday Night Classes
7 to 8 p.m., $5.00

Held at Beads N Botanicals, 227 S. Market St., Hoopeston, IL 60942

August 9………Meditation for Relaxation

August 23………Tapping into Your Intuition

September 6…… ………Crystals Used For Healing

September 20……… What Dreams Mean: Tap into the power of dreaming

October 4………Intro to Astrology
The 12 Signs of the Zodiac and what they mean

October 18……..Intro to Astrology
What is a Moon Sign? and. What is an ascendant?

November 1………Crystals Used For Healing

November 15…..…Intro to Traditional Tarot
The 22 major arcana cards and their meanings

November 29……Intro to Traditional Tarot
The four suites of the tarot and what they represent:
Cups Coins Swords Wands

December 13……Making Dream Pillows

January 10, 2007…… The Seven Chakras
What the “wheels of light” represent

January 24, 2007…… Herbal Incenses and how to make them

Herbal & Aromatherapy Workshops: August & September 2006

Beads N Botanicals, 227 S. Market St., Hoopeston, IL 60942

Herbal & Aromatherapy Workshops

Introduction to Aromatherapy: $10, 1 hour
August 8, 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday September 5, 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday

Secrets of Herbal Teas & Tinctures:
The differences between a cup of tea and medicinal teas. How to prepare a medicinal herb tea. Tinctures versus Teas. $10, 1 ½ hours (Ten person limit)
August 15, 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday

Overcoming Stress Herbally:
Find out about alternative approaches to overcoming stress.
Distinguish between different types of stress: resulting from overwork, physical injury or emotional upset. Information about appropriate herbs and essential oils and other natural aids.
$10 1 hour (Ten person limit)
August 22, 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday

Introduction to Natural Perfumery Parts I & II:
Ever wanted to make your own special perfume? By the end of this class, you will have constructed your own “Designer” scent…with you as the designer! $55, four hours total (plus two 15-minute breaks). Includes all materials.

Part I: Basic Safety Tips, Use of carrier oils. Use of alcohol. Proportions for blending. Blending essential oils to aid health and healing.

Part II: Designing a perfume blend. Tips on developing a recipe. Proportions for blending. Making a blend.
August 26: 1 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Sunday

Keeping Healthy With Kitchen Herbs:
Learn about common kitchen herbs and spices that can contribute to your health and that of your family. Staying healthy can taste great!
$10, 1 hour (Ten person limit)
September 19, 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday

Origami for Kids( Paper Folding) Workshop

Introduction to Origami
Learn how to make the traditional Japanese crane, peace dove and frog using colorful papers and the simple but fun paperfolding techniques developed by the Japanese. Great for kids of all ages, but especially for kids 8 years of age and older. $8.00, 1 hour, including all materials. (Five person limit)
August 12: 11 a.m.-12 p.m Saturday September 9: 11 a.m.-12 p.m Saturday

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Introduction to Orgami

Introduction to Origami:
Origami for Kids
Learn how to make the traditional Japanese crane, peace dove and frog using colorful papers and the simple but fun paperfolding techniques developed by the Japanese. The Japanese believe the crane, a sacred bird, lives for a thousand years and has the power to grant wishes. According to their traditions, anyone who folds a thousand cranes will have their wish granted. Great for kids of all ages, but especially for kids 8 years of age and older.
$8, 1 hours (five person limit)
May 13: 11 a.m.-12 noon. Saturday

Spring Herbal Classes

Keeping Healthy with Kitchen Herbs:
Learn about common kitchen herbs and spices that can contribute to your health and that of your family. Find out how to be an "herbal guerilla" when your family doesn't want to eat healthy, but you want them to! Staying healthy can taste great!
$12, 1 1/2 hours (ten person limit)April 25: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Tuesday

Introduction to Chinese Medicinals:
This class will highlight differences between Chinese and Western descriptions of body systems. Learn about some commonly used Chinese herbs. Find out about the concept of Yin/Yang as it relates to health. Discover how easy it is to incorporate Chinese herbs into your everyday diet.
$12, 1 1/2 hours (ten person limit)May 2: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Tuesday

Overcoming Stress Herbally:
Find out about alternative approaches to overcoming stress. Distinguish between different types of stress: resulting from overwork, physical injury or emotional upset. Includes information not only about appropriate herbs but also essential oils and other natural aids.
$12, 1 1/2 hours (ten person limit)May 9: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Tuesday

Introduction to Natural Perfumery, Parts I & II

Introduction to Natural Perfumery, Parts I & II:Ever wanted to make your own special perfume? By the end of this class, you will have constructed your own "Designer" scent...with you as the designer! $55. 2 hours each session; four hours total. Includes all materials. (six person limit)

Part I: Basic Safety Tips, Use of Carrier Oils, Use of alcohol. Proportions for blending. Blending essential oils to aid health and healing.

Part II: Designing a perfume blend. Tips on developing a recipe. Proportions for blending. Making a blend.

May 16 & 23. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Two consecutive Tuesdays.

Fun Making Earrings

Our Basic Wire Working Class on April 6 was a lot of fun.

Sometimes I think this class is TOO basic...but, as usual, I was proven right.

For someone who has little or no wire working experience, this class is a great opportunity to get hands on experience.

The next basic class will be on Thursday, May 4, 2006

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Spring 2006 Jewelry Making Classes

Beads N Botanicals is offering more jewelry making workshops starting this Thursday, April 6. You can preregister with a credit card via phone by calling 217-283-6380, during regular business hours. Beads N Botanicals is located in Hoopeston, IL 60942


Basic Wire Working: How to Make Earrings: This is a great starter class! You'll learn the basic techniques involved in creating sensational earrings with head pins, eye pins and ear wires. You'll make two pairs of earrings, one with a dangle. A few other earring styles will be demonstrated as well. $20, 1 hour, materials included. (Six person limit) April 6: 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday May 4: 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday

NEW!!!! Intermediate Wire Working: Rings & Things:
A fun way to create both elegant and funky jewelry to match any outfit! You'll learn two techniques involved in creating decorative rings with wire, beads, pearls and semi-precious stones. You'll make two rings, one with beads and stones, another with shaped wire. Learn tips on hammer-finishing wire. $20, 1 1/2 hours, materials included. (Taking Basic Wire Working: How to Make Earrings is suggested, but not required, as a prerequisite.) (Six person limit)
April 20: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m., Thursday.

Advanced Wire Working: Wire Wrapping Pendants: Do you have a stone that would make a wonderful pendant? Techniques for caging tumbled and rough rocks in cages of wire will be taught. Hands-on. Bring in a top-drilled bead and a round or oval pendant (can be a tumbled stone). (Or use the ones supplied with the class) Wire and stones will be provided. $25, 1 1/2 hours (We suggest, but do not require, Basic Wire Working: How to Make Earrings, as a prerequisite.) (Six person limit) May 18: 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday

New!!!!Advanced Wire Working: Making Your Own Clasps: Learn how to shape wire by twisting and hammering to make beautiful, unique clasps for bracelets and necklaces. Hands-on. Wire will be provided. $20, 1 1/2 hours (We suggest, but do not require, Basic Wire Working: How to Make Earrings, and/or Intermediate Wire Working as a prerequisite.) (Six person limit) June 1: 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday


Basic Stringing: Bracelet Design:
Want to learn how to put together a bracelet, but not sure how to begin? Or, how to end it? In this class you'll learn how to work with specialty beading threads, what a crimp bead is, and how to use it, jump rings and clasps to finish off your work of art. $22, 1 hour, materials included. (Six person limit) April 13: 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Thursday.

Intro to Bead Netting Techniques: If you've ever wanted to make beaded bottles or ornaments, but didn't know how to start, this class is the perfect opportunity to learn how. Once learned, bead netting can be used to cover just about anything, from lighters to bottles, to shirt overlays, or anything else you can imagine! In this class, you will learn to net a decorative clear jar, which can then be used to hold treasures. Materials included: jar, beads and thread. $22, 1 1/2 to 2 hours (six person limit) April 27: 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Thursday. May 25: 7 p.m.- 9 p.m. Thursday

Basic Stringing: Necklace Design:
Want to learn how to put together a necklace, but not sure how to begin? Or, how to end it? In this class you'll learn how to work with specialty beading threads, what a crimp bead is, and how to use it, jump rings and clasps to finish off your work of art. $22, 1 hour, materials included. (Six person limit) May 11: 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Thursday.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Natural Perfumery Classes

Introduction to Natural Perfumery, Parts I & II:

Ever wanted to make your own special perfume? By the end of this class, you will have constructed your own "Designer" scent...with you as the designer! $55. 2 hours each session; four hours total. Includes all materials. (six person limit)
Part I: Basic Safety Tips, Use of Carrier Oils, Use of alcohol. Proportions for blending. Blending essential oils to aid health and healing.

Part II: Designing a perfume blend. Tips on developing a recipe. Proportions for blending. Making a blend.

Feb. 18: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (includes a 45 minute break for lunch) Saturday.
March 14 & 21. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Two consecutive Tuesdays.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Herbal & Aromatherapy Workshops

Pre-register at Beads N Botanicals by calling 217-283-6380 during regular business hours. Our internet shop is located at

Building Immunity Herbally:
Find out about alternative approaches to building immunity. Learn how to fight colds and flus. Includes information not only about appropriate herbs, but also essential oils and other natural approaches. $12, 1 1/2 hours (Ten person limit)
Jan. 17: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Tuesday

Introduction to Aromatherapy:
Learn about aromatherapy--its historical and modern development. Discover the therapeutic uses of essential oils for healing, and why they work. Gain confidence in your own abilities to evaluate, purchase and blend essential oils. $12.00, 1 1/2 hours (ten person limit)
Jan. 24: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Tuesday
April 11: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Tuesday

Keeping Healthy with Kitchen Herbs:
Learn about common kitchen herbs and spices that can contribute to your health and that of your family. Find out how to be an "herbal guerilla" when your family doesn't want to eat healthy, but you want them to! Staying healthy can taste great! $12, 1 1/2 hours (ten person limit)
Jan. 31: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Tuesday

Workshops in Jewelry Making & Beading

Beads N Botanicals is offering workshops starting this Thursday, January 12. You can preregister with a credit card via phone by calling 217-283-6380, during regular business hours.
Beads N Botanicals is located in Hoopeston, IL 60942

Basic Wire Working: How to Make Earrings:
This is a great starter class! You'll learn the basic techniques involved in creating sensational earrings with head pins, eye pins and ear wires. You'll make two pairs of earrings, one with a dangle. A few other earring styles will be demonstrated as well. $20, 1 hour, materials included. (Six person limit)
Jan 12: 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday
Feb 16: 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday
Feb 25: 12 p.m.-1 p.m. Saturday

Advanced Wire Working: Wire Wrapping Pendants:
Do you have a stone that would make a wonderful pendant? Techniques for caging tumbled and rough rocks in cages of wire will be taught. Hands-on. Bring in a top-drilled bead and a round or oval pendant (can be a tumbled stone). (Available for purchase at store) Wire will be provided. $25, 1 1/2 hours (We suggest, but do not require, Basic Wire Working: How to Make Earrings, as a prerequisite.) (Six person limit)
Jan 19: 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday
Feb 25: 2 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Saturday

Intro to Bead Netting Techniques:
If you've ever wanted to make beaded bottles or ornaments, but didn't know how to start, this class is the perfect opportunity to learn how. Once learned, bead netting can be used to cover just about anything, from lighters to bottles, to shirt overlays, or anything else you can imagine! In this class, you will learn to net a decorative clear jar, which can then be used to hold treasures, or even a tea light. Materials included: jar, beads and thread. $22, 1 1/2 to 2 hours (six person limit)
Jan 26: 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday
Feb 25: 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Saturday