Monday, February 11, 2013

FULL MOON NEWS: Valentine's Day Sale starts Wednesday + Wizard Video VHS Collection announced!

Starting at NOON on Wednesday, February 13th, and ending at NOON on Monday, February 18th, you can get 50% off almost everything being sold at! There's not a full list of what will be half-price at the moment, but you can most likely expect all DVDs, Blu-rays, boxed sets, and probably posters, toys, t-shirts, and replicas.

I should also note that if you share the above image on Facebook, you'll be entered to win any boxed set of your choice, signed by Charles Band! If I win, (and I most likely won't, haha) I'm either grabbing the Puppet Master Blu-ray trilogy, or picking up one of the Full Moon Classics sets.

Also, I'm a little late on reporting this, but Charles Band announced a few days ago, that a bunch of mint condition Wizard Video boxes were discovered in one of Full Moon's warehouses. Let me reiterate that part: The BOXES for thirty-six Wizard Video VHS titles were discovered. Determined to turn lemons into lemonade, Charles, who still has the masters for each VHS title, is going to duplicate video tapes to put into each Wizard Video big box.

Each original VHS big box will be numbered and signed by Charles Band, and will contain a duplicated VHS copy of the film. Four titles are being released a month, for the next nine months, and will be going for about fifty bucks apiece. For more details, check out the Full Moon vidcast below:

I myself used to be a big VHS collector and had maybe half a dozen flicks in oversized boxes, but I've either sold them or given them away, and for that I am now kicking myself. The only big box/clamshells I have left (that I can think of) are for "Exterminator 2" (with MARIO VAN PEEBLES!) and "Exterminators from the Year 3000."

While some have complained about the price, especially considering the fact the boxes (though in great condition) lack the original VHS tape, this is still a really cool collectible, and once they are gone, they are gone for good. So keep an eye out for the first batch of Wizard Video VHS tapes, which go on sale TOMORROW, at!

The first four to get released for this month only are: RETURN OF THE ZOMBIES, TRAUMA, OASIS OF THE ZOMBIES, and DEMONIAC.

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